Challenges: #3 Focused Resource

So far I have looked at two key challenges which influence organisations ability to realise value from their projects, organisational inertia and leadership, but what else impacts value realisation? A lack of focused resource is a common challenge for organisations and has a significant impact on project value realisation.

Three pitfalls to watch out for:

  1. The next available resource is assigned to a project - aligning activity to their interests and expertise, as well as pushing the top of their competency level, will provide developmental opportunity and drive intrinsic-motivation which will have a powerful impact on performance, so think carefully when allocating your resource.
  2. Project resources are changed frequently - constant changes in team composition can unbalance the team dynamic, slow activity down reducing knowledge sharing, trust and collaboration, and should be avoided as much as possible. 
  3. Resources are held hostage by the core business, slowing down or stopping projects from ever having the resource they need to succeed, as the here-and-now takes priority - dedicating both people and funding to the activity will strengthen the team and increase performance, which has the added benefit of signifying the importance of it, which is helpful when trying to address inertia.
Does this sound like a familiar challenge - what impact is it having in your organisation and how are you overcoming it?
